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The Hot Sun with its Sunlight

The sun is the circle of electric light of nature. The sun is made with lavas, lightning and other hot minerals. Amazing source is water which is come from the hot and cold minerals. From the very beginning of the universe the hot sun is seen as the circle of hot matters. The hypothesis comes as the make -up of sun with cold and hot elements. In hot place, water too is mixed. So the sun is also has the quantity of cold, snowy and hot segments.

The hot sun is composed with multi things. Hot sun is somewhere hidden. It is amazing source. It might be in universe to lead. So hot sun is hidden in some countries. It might be in strange space. Under the earth, there are many things which are unfamiliar to us. The sun’ s connection with underworld creates the earthly movement. The unique structure of underworld is connected to electric light of sun and the earth moves and earthquake comes. The hot sun is very much productive and destructive and it is useful to the beings too.

The beautiful sun has multi-colors. The hot and white sunshine is related to electric light. When we are behind the sun we think that we can not survive life. But people are living in some countries without seeing sun. Where is this sun ? Where is its exact space to stand alone? It has its multicolors and it has the hot ness. It is large ball made up with the air, water, minerals, clouds, ice , lavas and many others.

It has maintained the universe with its beautiful sphere. It is hidden when raining is there. The cloud has such power to hide its hotness. So it has mixture of everything. Sometimes the sun rays bring the multi- colors in electric light. The lightning may come from sun rays too. The hot sun has everything as amount of ice as well fire. So it is hot and often loses its light due to its cold spheres. My hypothesis runs to say that sun is internally connected to under earth with hot materials. The same hot family is there under earth and above the earth. In earth we find the mountains of hot lavas. The mountain of lavas follows to ocean too.

Amazing place of earth determines the sun’ s hotness. The hot particles are in earthly mountains and under earth too. Later the hot can be seen above sky. Nothing is possible in universe without water and fire. Both are essential parts of universe. The sun is hot to maintain the universe. The deserted place is hotter than other places that the sun likes to live there . Sun circle is energy of universe.

लेखक : Til Kumari Sharma