कविता सत्ययुगमा सत्यवती, त्रेतायुगमा तपोवन, द्वापरयुगमा मुक्तिसोपान, र कलियुगमा पवित्रभूमि नेपाल यो हो मेरो देशको इतिहास। उत्तरमा सर्वोच्च शिखर सगरमाथा, दक्षिणमा पवित्र गंगा नदी, पूर्बमा...
POEM Insects are singing. They are crying. They are taking stand of grass. They are creating wound within themselves. They are fetching to take another...
POEM Nationality is boundary. It has the worth mentioning about identity. Nationality is bound in narrow wall. Nationality is warm and identity focused. Identity is...