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Oh fire you are dangerous and fearful.
You have finished all creatures in Australia.

The creatures are with pity.
I wept to creatures’ fear.

I cannot see your firing on body and soul.
I cannot see your pitiable condition.

I can write to your pitiable situation.
My art makes u eternal.

I am kind kind to helpless creatures in Australia.
Oh nature you are continuing your process.

You are nourishing creatures and destroying.
The beautiful creatures are running to and fro to be secured.

Oh nature stop the fire of Earth to kill.
Oh nature be kind to creatures .

Bring peace with success of immortal earth.
Oh nature how powerful you are to destroy and make.
Please earth be kind to animals of Australian forest Pitiable is Forest.

                                   Payun-7 Parbat Hile ,Nepal

लेखक : Ms Til Kumari Sharma