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Dead Sound of Mine

Really dead sound is here. The cruel and inhuman people attempt to enslave me in their work that the punishment should be there to them harshly if they order and harm to our personal freedom. The people donot know how to order the people in this modern age. The sound is unheard and domination is extreme and voice becomes the bomb and gun. The sound should be silence and we are dominated harshly. My sound is unheard in education and leading and these bearlike people comment me frequently and they dominate me frequently to enslave. The revolted words are for them with silence and soundless voice. These uncivilized people are still counted as civilized without knowing humanity.

The voice should be silent in the world that sound is hidden without getting right. The lively sound should be in corner and the meaningful sound comes in dead note. This is the environment of writer in Nepal. The talent mind is kidnapped and stolen and later it is enslaved by bearlike people. So to revolt against them is great courage to breadth freely. The sound of writer becomes silence and it is alinated. The friends and strangers suggest about unnecessary tips to hide my sound. But sound against injustice should be highlighted in writing too. The sound of dead is eternal in artful writing. Writing is a kind of weapon to cut the head and nose of ugly critics who block my sound of justice. Occasionally I find writing is healing source to cut the bad critics. I feel that my sound in writing is immortal.

लेखक : Til Kumari Sharma