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Til Kumari Sharma "Basyal"

White journey of your life seems beautiful in the sky.
Your beautiful scene makes me wonderful.
You are high above the sky.
Lot of white scenes make the sky colorful.
Sky seems blue and clear at that time.
Rainbow is shining from one corner to another.
I am dazzled to see you and rainbow.
I see myself in between the rainbow.
Sea tides are attracting people.
Sea waves are melting to wave to you.
I feel free in nature with spiritual flight in Rainbow.
I see fairies there with feathers.
I have different feathers.
These are flying with wisdom and spiritual light.
Oh cloud be my fellow bosom to create my world.
I am hovering with you to be highest in earth.
I am the eternal from my mother’s womb.
No company is good to be my bosom.
No relatives are needed to be with me.
I am strong within myself.
Oh cloud be my feather to remove enemy.
I am in my dream to be continued.
I am queen of wisdom to hover in moral beach.
I am the one to make my art living.
I am in tears but with beautiful words.
I am hovering in the pond of wisdom.
I am alienated figure to be travel lone.
Oh cloud be my best company to be eternal alone in
the feather of wisdom.

लेखक : Til Kumari Sharma "Basyal"