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Hello India: Give Me My Land

17 Jest, Parbat . My land is my soul. It is my heart too. I love my country more than me.It is our identity and nationality.It is not dowry of  president, ministers and leaders to sell. It is our common property.So  I love my country Nepal.India and China are our neighboring countries. My land is in between them as victim.Freedom is not dowry of anyone. It is of all equally. So I seek the freedom of my country. Nepal is victimized in India by snatching  land at boarder. It is fake greed of India to snatch our land. In our past, Nepal was big.Darjaling,Sikkim,Tista, Kalapani, Nalapani, Limpiyadhura,Lipulake,Pithauragarh,Tanakpur,Mahakali Bridge and River,Karnali River and many other parts of land and water were our  parts. But now they are related to India. Our land had widened to Kangada.Our rivers are snatched by it’s power. It is due to feeble  leaders from past to now. The nation is snatched down by India. It is inhumanity of India to greed upon our dearest land, the soul and heart of people. Rivers are my jewerlaries.They make my land great. Himalayas are my shining feet to shine Nepal. Mt . Everest is my head to identify in world. So never keep eye  with greed in them. AS foreign friend,

Darjaling,Sikkim,Tista, Kalapani, Nalapani, Limpiyadhura, Lipulake, Pithauragarh, Tanakpur, Mahakali Bridge and River,Karnali River and many other parts of land and water were our  parts. But now they are related to India. Our land had widened to Kangada.Our rivers are snatched by it’s power. It is due to feeble  leaders from past to now.

I request India to return  my land and it’s stolen parts  and authority upon land and rivers. My soul is my freedom of nation. I want to make real history of my land  known to world. It is not fake and hidden history that my land is wide in reality. Oh India,  we people are ever to secure land and rivers from your greed. So be honest to return my land and rivers. Our brothers are serving for Indian security but they have not gone there to mix their own land in India. India has used our own people with misleading. So India should be conscious to  use Nepalese in good doing only. So Nepalese people who are employed in India should be skillful to Indian government to secure Nepalese land and rivers.

India has greed to our land and authority. Friendship  comes with tribute not with greed. It is my request to return my previous land. No scholar is born to love  nation from heart. No philosopher has tear to national  love. No ministers and leaders are made to love national property. So it is tragic point. Nation is decreasing year by year. So I demand my gone land to mix in my present land Nepal.

लेखक : Report : Ms. Til Kumari Sharma