Talkative People

When there is enough time, the people talk to others. They have not any sense except to talk and they have unnecessary suspect to me. They have the nature to make low to other by criticizing and commenting. They have not any sense of humanity and their egoist nature kills themselves as they have tumor in their mind. So talkative people who have ego to me and mine reality have grown with tumor in their head. It signifies their unhealthy mind and head to justify me. Their veins are drying to misrepresent me and my morality. Still they have criticized and suspected me un necessarily. So talkative people are bad and dirty.

They have not any talk to deal with my writing unnecessarily. Their bad attitude makes me to keep in distance. I as author is discouraged by these mischievous villains and still they want to connect me. So these mischievous people have no sense of morality and they criticize me un necessarily. Those fake egoist some people also throw my books inside dustbin having egoist nature. These fake people have not any connection to me and my doings. Talkative people have less connection to me and I keep them in distance.

The author has to have privacy in writing and room regarding the environment. So writer should not have a lot of friends and it is not good to connect them in nearness. Better to remove their friendship makes healthy mind for us. Those who suspect and talk badly should be punished and their suspection should be killed. Then we are fair and good. Talkative people should be hanged and their work to criticize me and my moral doings is bad. Some of my friends waste my time by talking to others and if I donot agree to them they criticize me and my actions. Such mischievous people are better to remove from me. So talkative people are the diseases of society and they should be removed from our mind. They should be hanged and their nature is to break other’ s character.