Til Kumari Sharma
Amazing and wonderful the universe is within the life which has infinite way of thinking and reasons. The surface is studied and the infinite light is widespread with its own light. The deformation of light and darkness brings the life as unfinished rope. The metaphorical expression of scientist has not yet found its origin and the beginning. Oh ! how does it form in such condition of universe ? The surface of universe is beautifully formed to delight the every creatures of earth. In this universe the rivers of fire, blood, ice and many others can be found. Everything can be found in the universe.
The lights are infinite from sky to sea. The darkness can be ground everywhere. The myth of god has exploited moral theme. The myths say different definitions about creation of universe. Humans have developed many technologies to reach in whole universe but universe is unlimited. The wonder enters in our mind and the doubt leaves everywhere. Really the heart is shaking and mind is travelling to reach in earth but the suspense of knowledge is there. Universe is immense that our mind and eye can not catch its wave to know completely . The decoration of reason does not cover the universe to know about it.
The real meaning is missing to loss the truth and fact. The freedom is mingled in the egoist desert in universe. One human makes narrow to another by useless restriction to know about the universe. The melting eye to search about universe is wonderful and infinite. The desert of human life has separated the universal relation from our own people. The universe has created such narrow minded people. The high notion is snatched by group of people due to limited mind. The surface of universe is so confined with narrow reasons that hinder to know about it. The surface of universe is amazing that surface has hidden meanings too. It has infinite things that these things have connotative formation of universe. The sky with her widespread space connects the earth to give life and destiny.
The daylight in surface just makes us to look outside appearance. The darkness makes the people and beings blind. The relation between darkness, light and eyes are amazingly created. Only our eyes have been affected by time. Perhaps time might be same from origin. So the surface of universe is affected by our eyes . The eyes are colorful formations in earth. Huge relation of eyes and universe is not counted yet.
The life is structured by the surface of universe. So that universe is really remarkable sign in human life. The life is under cave always to have the quest of complete knowledge. Even Socrates and Plato are not perfect philosophers to know about knowledge of whole universe. Even the surface meaning is in doubt. The universal quest will be infinite without knowing factual description. The knowledge is equal to universe. So the surface of universe is complex matter to recognize the truth.