Literature as Operation of Mind

Literature is the strong energy to make healthy mind. It is the feedback against ugly thinking. It has the musical color to have reasonable mind. The source of literature is an art of writing and reasoning. Writing is the medicine to sharp the mind which tries to build healthy thought.

Literature is ring of mind which ties our mind to build the artistic jewelry. Literature in this sense is a better company to heal our pain and tragic situation. So it has varieties of wisdom to operate our mind. It is the healthy plant of thinking and writing to give moral and spiritual sight. So literature is a kind of operation to recover the pain and suffer. Often I have people around me who want to lie to me to disturb in my artistic operation. Some friends are following me to do sexual gossip and others are criticizing me with unhealthy pshycho. So I detach them slowly. It is my luck to detach them means I am out of failure. So I embrace the literature as my bosom friend in life that I feel joy in my spiritual journey and travelling.

Many people urge me to have mediation . Such people have passion of uncontrolled sex. But I know myself who am I. And I detach them who make me failure by criticizing me and my personal behavior. So it is my relief to detach from them. They have dirt of thinking which favors the passion and lust. So I operate my mind with literary art and the clean thinking to see positively to everybody. I like literature as the pure friend of my art which decorates my thinking originally. It is my attempt to bring the literature as healthy tool to sharp our mind and it teaches how to live the life morally. When I separate myself from those people who make me failure , then I operate my mind with higher thinking. Now I am rich to get the higher mind myself that I operate others how they evaluate me.

I invite my own writing in alienation and feel free from those lustful people. The literature is filter of emotions and reasons. After the operation of mind it brings creative cells of head and mind with higher thinking. The literature is filter of human life to judge rightly. So in my view, literature is magnetic decoration in world to bring the huge progress in life that is eternality of worth. Literature melts in justice and higher moral thought. It is higher then mediation. It is the life and destiny to climb over the universe beyond it.

So literature is the huge medicine to make healthy mind. Literary world is shining only with healthy mind and healthy thinking. It does not shine with bad people and critics of lust and passion. Literature is shining in proudy nature too. It has cut the head of so called showy scholars. So literature is weapon of truth and fact and it cuts the lairs.