One  Sound of Human reaches in the throat of  Another Human Quicker than  Rays of Light:

The sound of human is flying always with unseen entities. Human sound is very effective and influential.  It hovers in our throat. It has natural connection and living entity. Its most influential practice I have done with huge experiment. When some friends and other people talk negatively  then sound waves appear  in me with the throat’ s uneasiness. It is sure that their talking to me has electronic connection to my throat that shows the power of sound movement to me.   The waves of sound are moving in our throat when  people talk or criticize us. So the way of the criticizing people are doing ego to our work.

They are criticizing badly to our work and doings to break character. So the sounds are waving here and there. The beautiful  people are not doing bad criticism. In this world many mysterious things are there. We are unknown to the mystry of sound vibration. Since we are living  the sounds are living and hovering around our speech organs. So the beautiful thought is sure that sounds hover around our breadth. I once experimented that the friends of mine were criticizing me and they had bitter criticism to me.  I  presupposed their criticism to me. That hinted my throat. Then I asked them that they were talking to me badly.  People tell it as it makes so by criticism. Really and scientifically the people are doing criticism to me that sounds are symbolically showing me the vibration in my throat. So the little is known with the waves of sound that waves are more quicker than the light. So what mystry is there ?

It is the science  that forgets to find out many things about sound vibration. It is the light of knowledge that comes in my mind that sounds are living entities in life to reach in connected  sound organs. Sound entities are more familiar  to me when people talk negatively to me and it affects our health. The criticism has been come negatively in sound throat and the positive ness comes with the eternal entity. So that sounds are living entities in our soul and throat. The sounds are living entities and they are in tour in our living throat. It is believable  that sound movement is really  quicker and beautiful to know about the waves. Sound waves are quicker than  time movement. Sound waves are not seen with eyesight. They are living in the throat when  people criticize badly. Sound entities are heard from here to upper world. The sound entities and thinking power connect way to another planet too. So it is quicker and beautiful.

Sound vibration is really amazing factor and it has waves to reach from one human to another. The study of sound vibration is truth full when one talks  then it reaches in another man’s throat  for whom it concerns. So once when a friend criticizes me then it goes in my threat that is known.