The Lives in Other Planets

The universe is very nice to deal with mystry. It is vast and infinite. The real history of universe might
not be true. What truth is unknown to us. Real life seems in earth. The life is better here in earth.
Water, soil and air give life. Universe is vast and unknown to us.

There are enough spaces in universe that these spaces might have species . The science has found little
bit. These are other planets to have life. The life is possible in other planets in the universe. Real world
is beautiful in the light. Science has there to have beautiful discovery. The life might be here.The beauty
of universe is nice and mysterious. The beautiful life is there in other planets too. universe is really nice
to know the mystry. The beautiful life is there with universe.

The universe is supreme and genuine light for every beings. The real life is everywhere. The beauty of
life is to and fro . The life is genuine everywhere.