Unlimited Space and Planets of Earth

21 Sharwan, ktm.
Earth has unlimited space. It has the light and might of nature. Nature has unlimited land, rocks and water. Many planets are produced with them. I think that other planets are joined within this
earth .The infinite place is there.The light is there within the height. The scientist has fixed it’s area but it has not locked in the limited space. The light is there to have real world.

The earth has every thing connected to other planets. There are other planets like earth but they are the parts of earth and sky too. The earth has unlimited water, minerals and land .They are the other parts of universe which have desert and minerals. The weight is infinite. The real phase of life is mysterious in earth. The life is really infinite. The fossils of many things can be found under soil and water. Earth has the unlimited knowledge.

So Earth is all to have everything. It is counted with quest but quest is little. Only mystery is there.
Mystery is wonder. I think that earth has unlimited things which are not possible to find out truth only by little quest with science. Anyway it has infinite space to go to other planets.