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Corona virus: The disease is death. We should be conscious to the disease

16 Baisakha, Parbat.
We are in this difficult situation. We should be conscious to the condition of everything.It is our consciousness to secure from the corona disease which has killed many people in earth. The people are touching each other easily in Nepal.Nepal is not attacked too much in world. I think that no touching and pure distance create good environment.
I see the bad condition in quarantine that widens corona virus easily. It is our unconsciousness to accpet what the society does.When I was in Kathmandu.I did not touch anybody. I felt 100 percent secured. When I turned to my birth place ,Paiyun I see the situation bad.We went to home to live in Home Quarantine.But we were ordered to lie in Janasewa Schhol with force. Nothing was there. We sounded for facilities and security. No distance was there. Two toilets are there without light and clean environment. All are using these two toilets. All have to use the same soap to wash hands. No mask was there at the beginning. Nothing was there.I was afraid weather they brought Virus to us then we sounded. We revolted highly go out from there to secure us. No distance is there.One room has six/ eight beds. We were safe previously but quarantine might bring disease. Then we revolted with force. Then in request of us, they checked and sent us to home.We had good health of all.
I think that quarrentine should be secured. One should not touch another. Everything should be in distance.It is our good environment which makes us safe being in distance. Individuality should be there.If that is not possible, Home quarantine is best.
Tips for those who move Quarantine.

लेखक : Author .Til Kumari Sharma-