Breaking News

Nepali  Leaders

Baskha 8, ktm.
Nepalese politics has ruined the nation and people .P.M is greedy to invest for nation and national development .P.M. and President are making plan to secure their post and they do not secure nation and national rivers. They have not seen the remote areas of Nepal like Far-West , Mid-West and Far-East to develop. One the other hand,  Corona and Lock-down  have brought fear  and tear to people .In this difficult situation, they have to see the problems of people .Leaving to help the poor people, they are changing constitutional rules for their benefit.

It is outside of subject of Corona and Lock-down. Cabinet of ministers has brought the functions of constitution (2077) in Monday. Why is Nepalese P.M. seeing for his post important ignoring the people as the property of Nation? Prime Minister and President passed amendment of law (2077) and changed rules of political party to open new one. Instead of looking after the people and their difficulty P.M. has changed his decision to maintain his post. Why does P.M. play the vital role to change the works, responsibility, authority and work method of constitution?

It is not accepted by other ministers. It is deceptive decision to people. The nation is sick with new disease ‘Corona’. The people are on road without food and they are weeping .Other ministers of foreign countries are weeping for nation and people. But our nation has got Corrupted P.M. and President to have amendment of law 2077.It has become the subject of debate. What did they do?  The national condition is pitiable.


लेखक : Til Kumari Sharma