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Til Kumari Sharma

Revolution is a kind of change in world. But the people from any revolution are called Terriosts and they are treated badly. In fact revolution is a kind of new change in political, social, cultural economical situation and so on. The new thought with new change appears in society, nation and world. It often appears with war and blood fight and sometimes it appears without bloody fight. So it brings drastic change. But vampire of world calls revolutionary group as the Criminals and Terriosts. The clean definition of revolution in the world is drastic chance weather by war or by without fight. So revolution is not negative term in world. It is not with crime holding and it is not with immorality.

The shifting of old systems in new ness with equal authority seeks the meaning of revolution. It is shifting mind too. It quests the newness in everything with total change. Many people are living with traditional thought and they donot want to have change. But few people are not happy with traditional rules and these few people revolt against the tradition. So they are called revolutionary who try to transform the society with equality and new codes. So revolution is not negative word and it transforms the thought of people as well as society. It brings newness and noble thinking. Many examples are there to show revolutions i.e. French Revolution, Russian Revolution and so
on . So revolution is change of thought with innovative development in human right, female right, education and so on. So revolution is to do things innovatively. So the term revolution is to change something with new perspective.

Some revolutionary people are explained badly in world and they are called the terrorists. But as author I mention that those revolutionary people have also kind heart , moral behaviors and humanity. They are not criminals. Some people maybe with rough nature in that group but not all. So the world people should know about the human world of revolutionary group. Some defect may come there with few bad people but their rule is not to kill and rape but to bring change in world. It is new mode of life and the wisdom appears but opposite mentions it badly. That is not good to explain badly to them. Why do world leaders call them Terriosts? They are not terrorists at all. In world, no terriosts are born. So revolution is a kind of new formation in society. It seeks freedom and opportunity to bring some good change in society and life.

So revolution is not concerned to killing. It concerns to the change and transformation of society. It is worth of life to bring new transformation of people. The revolution is fixed determination to do something good and social. So I suggest the leaders from world not to see revolutionary people from bad eye to announce terriosts. The revolutionary people are equal to other people. Revolution is to rise again with changing ideas.

लेखक : Til Kumari Sharma