Breaking News


Ms Til Kumari Sharma


My father is genuine and strong.
I love my father more.

I like his positive presence in world.
I like to recognize him with me.

I am bone of him.
My father’s bone is shining in sea with my eternal art.

My psyche is questing his presence with me.
He is bigger than any ministers.

He has international personality.
His horse is hero in front of me.

It secures our prestige.
My father is bone of my heart.

He is my first hero in life who cares me a lot.
He is attached in whole world with my writing.

I can not compare him with others.
No quality is with other leaders even with relatives.

I love my first hero as my attached bone.
He has Democratic voice than with today’s educated leaders.

                               Bhorle,Hile, Parbat, Nepal

लेखक : Ms Til Kumari Sharma