Light of Sun


Sun is hot part of universe.
It is red and yellow light.
It has enough minerals.
It is fire in nature.
It makes alive to universe.
Sun’s light is eternal.
Sun light is bringing huge light.
The light is beautiful.
It is forever somewhere.
It is amazing shining.
It is amazing shining in earth.
Light is sun in universe.
In sun, water is enough.
The abundant use of mineral brings sun the bright light.
The light is bright in all planets.
Mountains are shining.
Himalayas are shining with snow. Ice is healing the fire of ice.
The liquids of minerals are there.
Bright circle is amazing structure.
Light is lavished.
Hotness is slightly different.
Many minerals lead universe.
Many colors are there.
Rainbow is there.
Green birth is from underground to above sky.
Water is enough.
Cloud mentions the thunderstorm.
Sounds are hidden.
Thunderstorm is sounded.
Volcanoes are there.
Lavas are making rivers of fire.
Stones are transformed from fossil fuels.
Dead bodies are transformed in to minerals.