What is Writing in English ?

Writing is a kind of communicated tool. So it is very much good to communicate in all languages . So writing should be very much simple and communicative in world. But in our Nepal, many professors in English are thinking that the complex word brings their writing higher and genuine. I have seen that some professors and friends think themselves senior due to keeping the unheard or complex words with long sentences. That is not good writing. The teachers/ professors very often judge the quality of writing not with simplicity but with physical appearance and complexities of words and long sentences.

I see that some professors and teachers give number by looking outside appearance or only for beautiful handwriting. Often topper is topper with apparent writing in college level. He /she doesn’t know core of meaning and writing. She / he does not know internal patterns of writings. Writing should have simplicity and clean understanding. It should have quality of understanding by poor and advanced reader/ people equally. All kinds of readers should know the way of reading and knowing. Understanding is core point of the simplicity. The way of writing structure should not be judged by outside appearance. It should be judged by theme and exact answer with accuracy. So the writing should be judged by simplicity and its clean thought. The writing is very much good when it has simplicity.

Many teachers / professors of English are judging and checking copy with outside appearance as beautiful writing. So the writing is not judged aptly by second language users. The language is standard with simplicity and it has provided good skill to write. So I suggest the educated teachers / professors to view writing of any student with the quality of simplicity . The checker should not judge the writing with appearance. From University to school level, professors/ teachers of English think that the long sentence with unheard or new words with beautiful handwriting is good. That is not good. Simple words and sentences with clean understanding without beautiful handwriting are also artfully communicated and best. Writing should be judged according to knowledge and simplicity. Writing must be with good understanding and communication. Simple sentences are giving the clean meaning to any reader.

All kinds of reader should be familiar with our writing. So simple sentences should be there. The way of understanding is very much good when we visit simple writing. No matter is there in writing of appearance but simplicity should be there that all kinds of reader are familiar in writing. Our Nepalese professors and teachers( English ) are checking and giving numbers to beautiful handwriting only . When they see ugly handwriting they give few marks or they fail. It means that they donot view core meaning of writing and answer. Often so -called toppers also have not creativity. Only the numbers have not evaluated creative entity of student . So the talent people are not born in our nation. Numbering is their false measurement without checking copy from depth. Checker even in university views only apparent writing or beautiful handwriting in Nepal.