साहित्य The Ghost of Fairy कदर न्यूज १९ बैशाख २०७७, शुक्रबार ११:३४ POEM Oh fairy ghost, you are my soul on tomb. Oh you are my eternal soul to hover in world. Your soul is mine with...
साहित्य Eternal Letter ‘P’ कदर न्यूज १९ बैशाख २०७७, शुक्रबार ११:२९ POEM ‘P’ is eternal to live the life. ‘P’ is living soul to live the life. ‘P’ is lively and lovely that is eternal and...
साहित्य Time is Bound कदर न्यूज १८ बैशाख २०७७, बिहीबार १२:१८ POEM It is time bound with limitation. It is the wonder of earth in world to have time bound universe. It is time of infinite...
साहित्य Scattered Coffins कदर न्यूज १८ बैशाख २०७७, बिहीबार १२:१३ POEM Scattered Coffins are untouched. Love has been dismissed. Corona is cruel force to separate family members. Coffins are a lot in Italy,America,England and other...
साहित्य Our quarantine कदर न्यूज १६ बैशाख २०७७, मंगलवार २०:०८ POEM It is politically made in Paiyun. It is unconditional and with Monopoly in Paiyun. Real intellectuals are lost and we are not secured. Distant...
साहित्य Universe is My Eye कदर न्यूज १६ बैशाख २०७७, मंगलवार १२:०७ POEM Universe is my eye and looking. She is my bed to live in. Universe is my journey. She is limited only to me. Universe...