Women Writer should be Secured from Doubtful Bearlike People

The women are exploited in videoes and the speech. The women are abused badly by mad and bad males. The abused videoes in sex made by bearlike people should be deleted and they (who make bad videoes) should be admitted in hospital of psychiatry. The people have ego and one woman has ego to another and wants to cut good character. So such egoist women are hundred percent bearlike. When I am reading and writing then these bearlike male female want to criticize my philosophy and me. First of all these bearlike people should understand my philosophy and then they know me Who Am I ? To be good in my family and friend circle they want to connect me to my surrounding. I know their ignorant nature to see me. To be viral they want to connect me. To take money they are near .

If they donot get money they want to misrepresent. So such people should be bombed if they are around me and my family and my circle. In Nepal many video calls should be banned. In stead of audio calls they call with videoes. Some women who have left husband have not good and moral nature to deal with women. They are not near to reality. Women should be secured by such sellers as fake video maker and doubtful women as sellers. Even married women are not good and they doubt innocent females ignoring their bearlike husband. Women should be secured from cyber criminals and other sellers who ask money frequently and the doubtful people who misrepresent the innocent women. Sometimes our type mistake also is seen badly by some bearlike people and play excitedly. Such bad and immoral vulgar males should be taken by doctor of psychiatry. So these who can not accept the brotherhood and sisterhood relation in human world should be taken to psychiatry. Feminism is not to be naked weather it is radical or not. So the army force or Police force should kill cyber criminals immediately. They should be killed immediately. Some journalists follow for money and if they see the ornaments they have greed to these ornaments which are earned by drop of educated labour. If we can not afford money and ornament they break other’s character. So the journalist should learn to eat in their own labour and they should not misrepresent other’s labour. Such journalist should not be given right to be journalist to break other.

They may be wrong and should be punished . They should not connect to good people. Some druggists are making and hacking id as I had met a drunkard of it. They may misrepresent our identity. So the police force should gunned such bearlike people to hacker and bad video makers and should kill such cyber criminals if they follow and call us badly by creating bad and immoral videoes.