The professors in T.U. are making habits to have retotaling. When retotaling is there, students of M.Phil./ PHD hope to achieve higher mark or pass mark. It is not good in M.Phil. or PhD to have retotaling. But today in T.U the teachers / professors suggest students to do retotling. It is easy for them to suggest in this difficult time. The difficulty of time and place has made puzzled to students of higher level. It is sure that they donot do fair in checking. Our professors evaluate students not with quality but with appearance and beautiful handwriting.
Their soul and mind know that they have not done fair to students. It is due to politics or bribe or their disliking to students which makes us failure. Only 46/50 copies are not the matter of retotaling. It is flamboyant action. It is sure that our professors especially of English Humanities donot know the standard of writing. They mark the writing for beautiful handwriting and they value the writing standard only to those long sentences with new and complex words. Being second language users, they donot know the values of writings. Writing should be simple . The writing is standard when all kinds of reader should understand equally what the writing is about. That understanding power to all kinds of reader creates the standard of writing. PHD and MPhil results are come only with their desire. Nothing more than that. They pass some students who are not hard working. They pass some students with their false evaluation. They donot know what the moral of student is .
They are liars. The quality of education is lost and they select the students with power, money and passion. Their evaluation to students is only with appearance. Why is it need to have retotaling ?. It is just the blind task of the professors. It is just flamboyant. The last year I was suggested by Sukum sir to have retotaling of PHD entrance but the policy was to make me fail due to ego and politics. Is it good to ego to any student with hard working ? Is their fairness in examining the copy? Is it good to do politics to honest student ? Is it good to call parents to select if student herself / himself is self independent ? Please say “yes” for your Fairless Task . So retotaling is very bad task within few copies. It is good to have retotaling in many copies. It is not needed to have retotaling in few copies. If you donot teach us please go from there by transforming to another college . It is not anybody’s property. T.U. is equally made for all. Is it made by your money ?