Confusion in Life

Life itself is not dignified in hope and optimistic life. The bafflement of life is hopeless. The battlefield of confusion and hope brings the life of unhappiness. Really the crown on the desert is aiming high. The desert of humanity and love is flying in the middle of universe. The depth of sea is knowledge where no one is reaching there to see fact and real interpretations. Knowledge is everything in nothing. It is void and filling the mind with new ideas and notions. What as happiness is not counted yet .

Tears are hidden at the middle of life. No tears are important to have huge command. Battlefield of confusion is roaring with sound and eco as the sound of Goddess of wisdom. The absurd world is accepted with unlimited aims to create the new earth. The ego with sound of ignorant is unheard and the time is wasted with fake listening. Random is the life as writing goes on without plan of writing. The unlimited depth of knowledge is flowering from my self consciousness. It is not copied by others. Others have not such capability to rise thoughts . Then their talent is not counted by me and my veins.

I create the words of sensibility and moral that these notions are not components of talent for others. Talent seems in simplicity and advanced thinking. It occupies with novel and nobility. The confusion of life brings the passion of creation in artistic world. Confusion is creation with new dreams. It is not negative word which gives self preservation of ideas to resist against established rules.

The confusion of life brings the self value in individual authority. Sometimes the confusion is garland of thoughts. That confusion has brought the ornamental life to exist with self living and isolation without being mad and vulgar. So, hope to the confusion of life to think positively. Confusion is not barrier but it is bosom friend to create innovative art. Life is wonderful mixture of confusion and fixed entity. It is in the death of love. The fix entity of death has moved the life in desert. That confusion has created the high art and new learning.